This is the Christmas advent calendar I made for the twins. It is a counted cross stitch pattern that I bought long before either twin was even a glimmer in their dad's eye. I won't divulge how many years it took me to make this, let's just say I'm glad they're still young enough to enjoy it. Of course, there is always discussion and nightly pre-planning on who will choose and affix the next morning's token. It was while I was prepping the photo for this post that I thought it kind of appropriate and pretty dang cool, that the male twin chose the bell this morning, seeing as Dandy from Spontaneous Clapping got married today. I've been thinking of her all day as I'm sure many of you have too. I hope her and her new husband's day went off with only one hitch!
Speaking of hitches, er, hiccups, I did make one teeny tiny mistake when I made the calendar. Can you see it? My mom told me that a mistake is good and that the Mennonite ladies purposefully do it, lest they be as perfect as the Lord. I like that. I'm going with it. I hope they don't mind.
Speaking of hitches, er, hiccups, I did make one teeny tiny mistake when I made the calendar. Can you see it? My mom told me that a mistake is good and that the Mennonite ladies purposefully do it, lest they be as perfect as the Lord. I like that. I'm going with it. I hope they don't mind.
Be well friends!

Well, I can't see the error, so I'd say it's perfect. Very cute, too!
Love the advent calendar ~ and I have *tremendous* admiration for counted cross-stitchers. I tried my hand at it several years ago, and finished a few very IMperfect projects. Apparently, my mind wanders too much to stay on track with CC :) Your work is beautiful! -Tammy
I couldn't see any mistake--it's a gorgeous cross stitch! What a cute bunny family!
That is beautiful! And if you hadn't mentioned the slight "imperfection" I never would have seen it.
I thought about Dandy all day on Saturday.
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