how to re-purpose your Christmas tree.
Say what?
You didn't know there was more than one use for O Tannenbaum?
A real tree, that is.
Last winter, our tree sat in the big burn pile at the back of the property and went up
in a 4 second blaze of glory in the spring.
in a 4 second blaze of glory in the spring.
This year, rather than let it spend the remainder of the winter where no man treads,
(Let me restate that. Please. It's where no one would go,
if we had a decent layer of snow)
if we had a decent layer of snow)
we're going to keep it close by so we can watch our feathered friends from the old farm house.
Before we set the tree up, again, I prepared some decorations.
A pretty red garland with leftover cranberries from Christmas.
We attached the tree to the most delightful of satellite dish posts the previous owners so kindly left us, with a couple of bungee cords. It can get pretty windy out there.
It's a shame I won't be able to see that satellite dish 'til spring.
Then we hung the garland and some suet feeders.
You could also gather pine cones, roll them in peanut butter and then bird seed
and hang them from the tree.
You could also gather pine cones, roll them in peanut butter and then bird seed
and hang them from the tree.
Okay, the Artist hung some suet feeders while I tried to get all artsy fartsy.
I've got the brains, he's got the braun,
why can't we make lots of money?
I think I should turn in now.
Before more 80's songs pop out of nowhere.
Before more 80's songs pop out of nowhere.
Maybe I'll dream about ways to re-purpose that satellite dish...a bird bath, a martin house, anyone?
Be well friends!

Wonderful idea! I always strung popcorn and cranberries on my tree for the house, and then we'd sit it outside, tinsel and all. In the spring we always found tinsel in bird nests! I like the idea of hanging suet. I like your artsy fartsy picture!
Glenco made a new tractor seat out of a satellite dish!
If you're talkin' the whole entire big dish (the old kind), my neighbor made a nice looking pond with a waterfall with her old one. Really! She did. And it actually looks nice, nothing like a satellite dish.
I love the idea of recycling your tree for the birds. Nice, tasty treats for them too! Enjoy the view! -Tammy
We love feeding & watching the birds. Love the cranberries idea!
It was so nice to meet you the other day & thanks for stopping by & leaving a comment!
Made your choco-banana muffins on the weekend ... hats off to you! My son says they're a hit! Thanks!
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