Three signs that spring is in the air...
I'm wearing these on the way home.
Callie has started working on her tan.
My dear, sweet friend Misha at From My Front Porch in the Mountains is having a very generous giveaway and it ends soon!
Be well friends,

Lucky you, we have another snow storm here today.
Did my first post take?
I have been having probs posting comments on your blog for a while! I do the verification thing and then it just vanishes, with nothing that says "approval by blog owner..."
When I come back my comment is not there.
And I have a lot to say, darn it!! I need to be heard!
Anywhoo..Thanks for the shout-out and I will put you in for two entries!
Come by "my front porch" around 7:15!
xo, misha
p.s. send me the stuff that the artist worked on for ME! I would love to see it!
(see, I have a lot to say!)
At least Callie has some sun to sun in. My poor Bentley doesn't.
I love warming myself in a ray of sunshine on a chilly day. Callie's got the right idea.
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