I came home today to find the hired help lazing about the patio.
The Artist was nowhere to be found; he was off to collect the twins from school. With a little time on my hands, I poured myself a cold glass of lemonade and found myself a comfortable chair on the deck. And while on the outside, my skin tickled with the delight of feeling warm sunshine coming at it from all angles, my insides were tempered with the cool sweetness of sugar and lemons mixed together. I was in a slight stupor, feeling blessed to experience such warm weather in mid-April, with the magnolia in full bloom, while enjoying a few moments of rest after a long work day, before the all too familiar dinner rush began.
Lemonade + Sunshine = Bliss
Then I heard a honk. A large honk. And then, another.
It came from the far side of the pond. I grabbed my binoculars from inside and saw this.
A pair of geese, looking quite cozy on the far edge of the pond.
I looked at Callie. She was oblivious. Or at least she pretended to be.
I grabbed my camera and made my way to the pond, in the most indirect route possible. I didn't want to appear threatening. I think I looked more like a lost hiker. However I appeared, it worked. They didn't move.
I took a seat on the log/skating stool and watched them.
And then I plead my case.
I told them that if it was up to me, I would gladly share my pond with them. Even if they do poop a lot. I told them there was nothing more I could possibly enjoy than watching new life enter the world right in my own backyard. I told them that if they were very still and very quiet maybe that big dog wouldn't notice they were there. I told them you have to very, very quiet when you're hunting rabbits. Then I let them in on a little secret. The Artist is always losing his glasses, chances are he wouldn't see them either. I didn't bother explaining that it's his reading glasses he is always misplacing. I was afraid I might confuse the issue.
And with that, I bid my adieu.
And I said nothing to the Artist when he came home.
~Be well friends~

Ah Canadian geese. We have A LOT of them around here, so many that they are considered a major problem. People can't kill them but they do make sure that any eggs that the geese lay fail to hatch. I always enjoy seeing "goose couples" with their little fuzzy chicks. But, of course, I don't have any pooping in my yard.
I LOVE your pond! We've had two dug and had to fill them back up as there was no water. We have a lot running through the property but have yet to find the right spot. We'll keep digging!
Cute post, I'd bargain with them too
When we were in Canada a few years ago, we stayed in a home at the edge of the water. There was a small island just off the shore and the geese came every evening and left every morning. I LOVED watching them. But then again, I had no idea they were such prolific "poopers"! Our local lake is small, but they have an island in the middle where the ducks stay an night, etc. Perhaps you need to build up a small island in the middle where they can "do their do"!
Warm sun! I CRAVE it right now!
Hi Andrea! Well...we don't have a pond yet but when we do I'm not so sure I want a lot of geese and ducks hanging around pooping in the water and around it. Mind you I doubt I'll have to worry much about that with little Chelsea...she loves to chase things so I'm sure she would take on the job of 'goose chaser' on her own. Don't you just love living in the country...we're so lucky! I hope you have a wonderful day and you get to enjoy another lemonade on the patio soon. Take care. Maura:)
Oh, how I know what big poopers they can be, and many times they are considered a BIG nuisance :) But I love them just the same. I just adore their honking! Callie sure looks like a happy camper, soaking up the sun! -Tammy
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