Life has been busy around the old farmhouse lately. My body is slowly recovering from a long weekend of gardening. There is still more work to be done, and I wish I had enough energy to complete more tasks after work but we're in the middle of a mini-heatwave at the moment and whatever energy is left at the end of the day quickly runs and hides as soon as I pull in the drive.
It's all good though, don't get me wrong. As I crawled into bed last night, I felt a sense of completeness knowing that veggies and the self sustainment they bring were quietly rooting their way into our life for another season. Spending almost all of my waking hours outdoors I actually felt more connected to the old farmhouse; the two, I realized, need each other and I don't think one would survive without the other. This land, the farmhouse and I are happy to have each other.
Speaking of happy, this was my moderate first attempt at one of PW's photo contests. It was taken on an older old camera but I still love it. I love their expressions, the twins' baby teeth and the way their heads seem to fit together like a hand in glove. I keep a copy of this photo at my work desk and it always warms my heart.
~Be well friends~

Definitely a winner in my is sweet...
What an adorable family picture!
It's a great photo! We are having a mini heatwave here too. So strange, it's not usually hot until July.
Beautiful photo! Nothing better than true honest laughter of a child!
Hi Andrea,
Beautiful picture.
Glad you got your gardening underway!
Oh my gosh Andrea, that photo just makes my heart swell!! It's absolutely perfect! It just screams love & happiness.
Sweet, sweet picture! You should be so proud :)
Sorry you missed the giveaway. Did you get my email last week? I think I told you about it in that. I think...
Let me know. If for some reason I didn't send it. I will resend it!!! Senility sometimes begins early with us country girls! Too much manure mucking. HA!
xo, misha
Great photo, no wonder it warms your heart.
Crazy heat wave this early. We gave up on outdoor work tonight and had to bring the new bunny into the garage with a fan.
Hoping you find a cool spot and enjoy a little rest from all your gardening. Take care.
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