I'm really excited about the winner of this giveaway for two reasons.
One, they're crazy Canucks like yours truly; they also happen to be from Ontario to boot!
Secondly, they have an awesome blog!
That's right, I said they. The winning entry was from two sisters who blog together, one who posts
from the city while the other does her thing from the country. They may be traveling on separate
paths but they're venturing for a life of self-sustainability. Right up my alley!
is the winner of the CSN giveaway!
Please visit these lovely ladies, say hello and browse around, I highly doubt you will be disappointed.
Congratulations Boyd Sisters!
Thank you all for entering, welcome new followers and thank you CSN stores for giving me the opportunity to host this giveaway.
~Be well friends~

Congrats, Winners!!
Oh, you luckey girls!!
Now, go shop!
xo, misha
You were so kind with your generous giveaway! How fun for the Winners! They will have a blessed Day!
Blessings, Linda
Prairie Flower
Thanks Everyone! and a special thanks to Andrea for setting up the contest. I guess the thing now to do is shop!
Happy Spring!
From the sisters who love the harvest, especially in the kitchen,
Laura and Amelia
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