A little behind the times, perhaps, we finally got around to watching Food Inc at the old farmhouse. Better late than never. We watched it with the twins and, as they soaked in every second of the film, they barraged us with so many questions that it took us several evenings to watch it from beginning to end. It fostered a lot of discussion in our house and it gave a definite boost to the dietary changes I've been trying to incorporate this year. Most recently we've switched to drinking this...
...from our local farmer's market, in reusable glass bottles. If your children are old enough, I encourage you to watch this film with them. It's never to late to educate your children about the business of food. The twins, who herald a trip to McDonalds almost as highly as Christmas, (because we don't take them there), actually turned down the opportunity for a visit to the golden arches while visiting one of their grandmothers this summer. I was pretty sure I heard it wrong the first time the Artist recounted this story to me. Freedom from corporate food has stuck in their heads; we may just get there yet.
And in case you're wondering how I fared at the camera course yesterday, all I can say is, it exceeded my expectations. The class size was small, only two students since the third was a no show. The teacher, who is a natural with people, who put us both at ease, and is also a professional photo journalist, was amazing. He taught us the basic fundamentals of how to work our cameras and he freed us from the auto setting for the rest of eternity but he was also forthcoming with tips, secrets, and insight as a photographer while answering any and all questions we had.
This is our instructor, saying hello to all Rural Revelers. Rural Revelers please meet Michael.
Oh dear, Michael's hand seems a bit blurry doesn't it. Oh wait, now he taught us how to fix that. Let's see.
That's not too bad but I think with the proper adjustments on my camera, we can make it better.
Aah, there we are. Much better. Just one of the many things I learned yesterday.
Michael has travelled the world as a photographer and in his prior life as an engineer. He is full of interesting stories and has an iPad chocked full of delightful and inspiring photos. Best of all, Michael also has a blog. So if you want to learn some photography tips, you can visit his blog daily here and his website here. For those of you in Ontario, Halifax or Winnipeg areas, if you're struggling with your camera, I strongly urge you to take one of the courses offered at Henry's School of Imaging at Henry's Camera Stores. You won't regret it and you may just have Michael as your instructor. Now, I'm off to make some photos.
~Be well friends, happy snapping~

Freed from the auto setting?? I only dream of that. Someday!
It really hadn't occurred to me to show Food, Inc. to the younger kids. Good idea. I really need to do that.
Have a great week!
No auto setting? Wonderful!
I read the book Food,Inc. that was graphic enough for me!
You mean there are other settings!? :)
Loved Food Inc. It was very informative and my husband that doesn't typically like to watch documentaries watched the entire movie with much enthusiasm. It also didn't occur to me to let the children watch it but you know thast probably a good idea! Perhaps it would help them to understand why we avoid fast food.
Congrats on BOTH accomplishments!!!
I can only dream of not using "auto!" A course is on my Christmas wish list (easier to sneak away on dark winter nights).
I highly recommend "Fresh, The Movie" as a feel good/do good follow up to Food Inc.! Our small kids have seen both (& lobbied Capital Hill afterwards supporting small farms). We all loved Joel Salatin's place so much that I've got my extended family n friends lined up to tour it with us.
Have fun with your new camera talents (and come visit n teach ME!)
Congrats on the photo course..what a difference!
I've never heard of Food INC. sounds scarey....
Great photos! I'm looking forward to seeing a lot more. I didn't know there was anything other than "auto." LOL
The camera class sounds great with only 2 people!
Almost like a private class :)I am so excited for. Someday when I get my primo camera you can help me out! Deal? Deal!
We loved Food, Inc., too! Awesome that you watched it with the twins! Kids being what sponges they are-it will stick with them forever!
I didn't email you today...I fibbed. Or I just cannot commit; just like you :)!!!!
xo, misha
I love that movie and I love that your kids are asking questions and discussing it! AWESOME!!
Bug told my FIL that "McDonalds is gross" and while I beamed with pride, he looked at me and said "way to brain wash 'em" and then proceeded to undermine everything I've taught her. :o( She adores him, so what he says has weight. He believes organic "is a scam". SIGH...Time to redirect.
Anyway, I love that you can get milk at your farmer's market! That's not something I've seen yet--I sure hope to soon! So great!
The green "Auto" setting is a *marvel* of engineering. It takes your $2,000 camera and in that one click, turns it into a $200 point-and-shoot!
I just heard about Food Inc. from my Sis-in-law Sunday. We are going to have to check it out. Oh yeah, it's scary clickin that little dial off of Auto!
Oh I'm off to check him out. I would really benefit from a camera course. I'm clueless...CLUELESS! I even struggle with the basic setting on my camera.
Good for you changing your diet. I may have to check into that Food INC movie.
i'm glad you explained the hand thing. i worried we'd see michael on one of the medical mystery shows. LOL.
we have one company locally that sells milk in bottles - shatto dairies.
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