Recycling, up-cycling, reusing, re-purposing. Whatever you want to call it, it's being thrifty and walking with a softer footprint. I've managed to incorporate all of these, more or less. Would you like to see how?
When I get the chance to peruse the local thrift store on my lunch break, I have a plan of attack as soon as I enter the store. The first place I head to is the bedding section. I'm on the look out for quilts. I've already found this one and that one. And last week, I found this one.
It may seem frivolous but I like the fact that they're hand made. It's also important that they've been around the block at least once or twice. You know, blankets that have seen fever filled nights, have been snuggled under during story time, left on the clothes line during a thunderstorm, or dragged around the house by an errant puppy, and have otherwise seen lots of love. Well, they seem to fit right in with this old farmhouse.
This one is the perfect size for getting cozy under while watching a movie on a chilly Friday night or it might even go nicely in the male twin's bedroom. A handmade quilt for under $5? I'll find a use for it.
I also picked up some extra clothes pins for fifty cents, which I store in this old rice sack. Just above the outdoor laundry shelf the Artist made for me out of leftover wood used to renovate the male twins bedroom.
And the Pièce de résistance?
A piece of old spruce cut down last fall to make way for the new septic system has been recycled into my new laundry stoop! I told the Artist this should do me just fine until I hit seventy, then I may need something with a railing.
Gotta plan ahead you know.
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~Be well friends!~

Love it, and $5, what a bargain! I couldn't agree more...there's something about a handmade quilt that tugs at the heart. All those little stitches...all that time. Glad it's found a new home. And a handrail...made me smile this morning!
Hi Andrea. Love your new quilt and What a great bargain. The old rice sack is neat too. I hope to participate one of these days in your Thrifty Thursday...and I look forward to seeing what others link up today.
Andrea, it's beautiful! What a find! I love that big red Monkey Wrench AKA Churn Dash square just tossed in nonchalantly amongst the nine-patch squares...
If I ever figure out how to get photos from my camera to your blog, I'll send you lots of pictures of my VVBoutique, GoodWill, and Talize Treasures. Currently I'm zooming in on old sewing patterns (have a few from the 40s, one with original price 35 cents and I paid 69 cents - inflation!), sewing fabric, and I recently paid $2 for someone's wonderful button collection - about 2 lbs. worth of buttons!
About your stoop: you may also need a step as well as a railing!
Love, Stalker AKA Mom
I think the picture of you standing on the tree trunk, hidden by your new quilt, is FABULOUS! What a great photo!
I agree, last photo is awesome!! And your latest find is wonderful. You just cannot go wrong with an old quilt, and the price was perfect! -Tammy
That is a great quilt! I love your description of what quilts go thru--the fevers, the clotheslines, the pets--it makes the history of them so meaningful!
As a side note, you have very pretty little legs, my dear. :o)
Hey, I linked up!! I think I did it correctly--I've never done that before! So fun to play along. I added a link back to here at the bottom of my desk post. That's what "link back" means, right?
That last picture is soo perfect. I'm still smiling.
Andrea- you've sold me. I think I will go to some of the thrift shops here in town tomorrow. There is a little antique mall in a strip mall shopping center that is calling my name. I'm on the lookout for old cannning jars that I can use to store dry goods in - ya know, the one with the zinc lids. Your quilt find is absolutely wonderful. I have an old quilt from my grandma, and it may be older than that since I believe some of the fabric may have come from a great-grandma's old dress - and there is cotton batting, real cotton, and the handstitching is so small and wonderful. I'll have to get it out and look at it, I keep it safe in my grandma's cedar chest. I'll have to make it into a wall hanging, maybe. Take care, and I'll let you know if I find any treasures tomorrow while hunting. From Kathy in KY.
I just found your blog and think it's lots of fun. I have been collecting quilts too. I just love them. It's almost as if they each have a story to tell.
I will be stopping back often. If you have a chance please come visit me too.
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