There are many fall fairs in our area, probably not unlike most of you, but this was the first time we had the opportunity to attend the one closest to the old farmhouse. This is its third year in its new location and we've been itching to go and check it out.
Celebrating a good growing season that has given us ample opportunities to harvest all of our hard work put in through a long, hot summer and to also enjoy the work of others has always been a big draw for me. I could spend hours in all of the different exhibit buildings.
I love wheat sheaths, and sure wish I could make them. Anybody with me on that; anyone know how to make them? And if my stalker says she knows how, well, you'll be able to knock me over with a feather, and then we'll get down to a business and make one.
Now that we're in the country and the Artist and I slowly develop our small parcel of land into a self-sufficient 'farm', we're drawn even more so into the animal barns. Oh, how we yearn for a barn to call our own. And I can tell you, I've been working on the Artist's barnheart, and it's coming along quite nicely. All it took, in fact, was to watch Food Inc. and the next thing I knew, books were rolling in from the library on how to build a chicken coop.
Can I have a hallelujah sister?
And I can also tell you, it took a lot of self control not to tuck one of these under my jacket and make a run for it.
But then we got hungry.
And the midway was calling our names.
And the male twin, who, upon arrival, had declared he would ride the Ferris wheel with his grandma, decided at the last moment that he wanted to "get a good job, get married and have some kids before he died".
I took that as a no.
And then I took his place.
Well, it was a good photo op and having a camera around my neck seemed to garner a lot of respect from the ride attendants. If you call a long pause at the top, respect. Where's Waldo? Um, he's not here actually, but the Artist and the male twin are. Can you spot them?
I wanted to sneak one of these beauties home too but their coat was bigger than mine.
Before we knew it, it was time to call it a night before we all turned into pumpkins. Not, however, without having a last treat to soothe our tired feet. Yes, funnel cakes are good for your feet, betcha didn't know that, huh? And do you see that twin eyeing my funnel cake? Well, I might have mentioned something about knowing some better behaved kids and that could quite easily become the next Glimmer Twins.
What do you think?

Local fairs and festivals are some of my favorite things...looks like you had a great time! The photo of the carnival ride spinning is really neat.
Have a good night.
Oh Andrea, I think you could have tucked a whole flock of those chicks under your jacket... just 5 or 6 would have been a good start! I'm sure they would have stayed quite while you facilitated their escape.
Looks like a good time was had by all :) Enjoy your weekend.
Looks like you all had tons of fun! The agricultural part of our fall fairs always hold the biggest appeal. We spent hours this year watching the sheep classes, in total awe that the sheep are lead around by their necks. No harnesses, just dragged by their heads! Loads of fun. Hoping someday you'll have that barn full of critters! A girl can dream! Have a great Thanksgiving weekend!
I know exactly how you feel about the animals. For so long, I've been wanting more and I finally got the chance this year to add them. I can tell you they are fun but they are lots of work and I'm not looking forward to having so many barn chores when the temperature is below freezing but I wouldn't have it any other way really. Our fairs ended in September so seeing yours was lots of fun. What a great time your family had and it's wonderful to see your pictures. Here's to hoping you have your animals next spring.
Great post Andrea and as always wonderful photos. Makes me want to go to the county fair. Haven't been in a couple years. Think I'd be smuggling a few critters home myself! Can not wait to see photos of rural revivals chicks! You'll love them. We get ours in the fall, they lay sooner, as well as a lot of other benefits vs. spring hatches. ~Blessings~
Sounds like you all had a great time! The fair is always one of my favorites. (What, no roast beef sundaes?!) When it's over I feel as if summer is gone and autumn is really here. It was 35 degrees this morning...brrr. Enjoy your weekend.
We've gone to two fairs recently, and my favorite part of them was the animals. The rides are ok, but the critters, oh my... Could stay and watch them forever...
Aye, I see the farm fever has spread! I cant wait to hear of more!
I'm so jealous. We don't have fall fairs here. The county fair seems to move up more into July every year, so garden goods are a bust. That sounded like so much fun.
Sounds like your family had a great time!
I love visiting the animals best of all...not much for the rides, too much motion for me.
Great photos also.
Have a great holiday weekend!
Love your photos but I'm with the male twin, I would not appreciate the pause at the top. Is that them in the bottom left corner?
Our season of many fairs is now over (except for the Royal Winter Fair, oldest was picked for the dairy team.) Yesterday we spent a lovely and very long day at Rockton's World Fair. The weather was wonderful (last year we were up to our ankles in mud.)
I would have tucked a few myself. Really nice pictures and it looks like a fun time was had by your adorable grandson.
Funnel cakes ARE good for the feet and soul and anything else that ails ya. I just had my first funnel cake this year at our yearly Acadian Festival. It was delish! I went back for seconds but there was none left! Next year I'll buy 2 straight away! No pussy footing about!
OK. I really do not want to have to bail you out of jail for stealing a chicken. I am sure your stalker agrees with me! No chicken stealing what. so. ever.
I would love to have sheep. You may have to be the sheep mama. I don't see any in my future, so I will live as a sheep herder through you!
And we had yummy funnel cake today! Post soon to come :)
xo, misha
Andrea looks like a fun Fair! I wish our state fair was later in the summer or early fall. It is so dang hot when they have it you can barely enjoy it. You can't go to a fair without having a funnel cake! I had no idea they are good for your feet, I will have to remember that this coming weekend!
Hallelujah!!! Fantastic that the Artist's barnheart is developing. :o)
My favorite line of this post: "I wanted to sneak one of these beauties home too but their coat was bigger than mine" haha, you clever girl.
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