We lit our first fall fire last night, here at the old farmhouse, and it was deceptively cozy. Deceptive, I say, because it tempts you with it's warm arms embracing you as it gently leads you over to the sofa, where it puts a pillow under your head and tucks you in serenely, for along winter's nap. And on a Friday night, after a week of commuting and such, I don't really need any help in the sleep department.
This morning we hurriedly worked outside, in earnest of an impending downpour, by preparing wood for a day of splitting tomorrow, raking leaves and culling herbs to bring indoors, before our first frost tonight, with the smell of woodsmoke filling the cool autumn air. It felt good to work around Mother Nature, to let her rule our schedule, working when she said to and resting whenever she might allow. It's a gradual descent into the sleepy depths of winter, one that yanks on my soul more with each passing year.
Now the rains have arrived and we're planning an afternoon of preparing decorations for Thanksgiving which, unbelievably, will be busting through our door next weekend. What are you doing this weekend?
And on another note, delayed but here nonetheless, is the winner of the CSN giveaway.
It's Tammy from Flat Creek Farm!
I can not begin to tell you how much I love this girl! She was one of my very first followers, and commented away as I posted about my pending country wedding and has been here ever since!
She is an amazing photographer and I love watching her photography and Photoshop skills evolve, so inspiring for me! She has the sweetest donkeys you'll ever meet and a most wonderful farm, full of gorgeous flowers, animals of all sorts, including her new chicks that are getting quite big ,along with their beautiful coop that she built herself! I only wish she'd show us more, like those 150 tomato plants she grew this year! Oh yes, and like me, she loves the word heirloom, at least when it comes to talkin'bout the garden!
I'm sure many of you are already familiar with Flat Creek Farm, but if you're not, you better mosey on over there, you have no idea what you're missing.
Congratulations Tammy!
~Enjoy your weekend friends!~

I love that Tammy too! Even her blacksmith husband.
Congrats to Tammy! We have a gas insert but our next home will have wood for sure. Love the smell.
A little birdie sent me over here.. I've been absent all day at a craft fair. And now ~ I am surprised and thrilled and feelin' so lucky!! I have to tell you ~ I've had this "feeling lucky" thing going on all afternoon. I just felt like something good was going to happen for some reason. And wow, how great is this?! Thanks, Andrea, so very much for your kind words also. I think the world of you, and always enjoy your posts so very much. I am so glad to be a Rural Reveler, and yes, we will have our first "fire" tonight also. Brrrrr...!!!
I can't thank you enough - this is going to be fun! Hugs from me and alllll the critters... Tammy
Dear Andrea: Your post was so vivid, for a brief moment, I could imagine myself there beside you, raking up the fallen leaves. And then ... back to reality. Oh how lovely your day must have been! We've spent the day doing some prep. for next weekend as we're hosting my family for Thanksgiving this year! Lots of fun (and lots of work)! Congratulations to Tammy!
Oh My Yes! I am thrilled that Tammy won, she is the best and I love her and her photography is stunning. You just made my day Andrea! Now to cozy up with that warm fire, have a great night
YAY Tammy! She is awesome and I'm so happy she won this. She is a great blog buddy :)
I am also happy you got to enjoy your first fire of the season. That sounds wonderful. I know what you mean about the sleeping part...it's just to wonderful to stay awake.
Amy ~:>-
I could use that nice fire right now... thawing the blocks of ice from toes as I write... its gunna' be a loooong winter! :)
Congratulations to Tammy! I so enjoy her wonderful blog. My weekend was spent cleaning the coop, raking acorns and more acorns and yet more acorns. It's becoming chilly here too, high thirities in the evenings. Fall is roaring in!
We are having our first fire tonight too! See how alike we are?! It never ends... It is a little spooky~don't ya think?
xo, misha
What a charming blog and a cozy post!! I enjoyed all the imagery here and glad Tammy one the give-away..(that's a lot of tomatoes too)!
My best-
What a lovely description of the change of seasons. Yes, it's time to settle into a hibernation mode. We had our first fire yesterday too...I love to light it on a rainy, chilly morning and let it burn all day. Today is rainy and cold...alas, I'm sure I'll warm up as I begin cleaning the barn!
I love a Fall fire too! Huge Congrats to Tammy, she is a sweetie!!
Fall days working and playing out in the country, life just doesn't get any better!
Your wood stove looks so cozy and inviting! What a great place to be on a chili autumn night...
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