Thanksgiving has turned into the event of the season in our home, particularly now that this time of year, we're surrounded by harvest, fall colours and a plethora of leaves. It's also a time for me to shed the vestiges of city life and prove to myself that country is as country does. And what country does, around here each year, is to make a Thanksgiving dinner that was more home made than the year before and by George, this year was a smashing success.
By the way, these photos have nothing really to do with Thanksgiving but I tagged along with my mom to my first quilt show on the weekend and I was amazed.
Our fresh turkey was stuffed with homemade bread and seasoned with herbs, including, for the first year, sage from my herb garden.
These dresses aren't really my thing but I loved the red and white in this quilt.
We had colourful heirloom carrots and acorn squash seasoned with the Artist's first edition maple syrup. We soaked up my first solo attempt of my mom's gravy recipe with homemade rolls.
This jacket was quilted entirely using men's neckties.
And since we had a bumper crop of pie pumpkins and I passed pastry 101 this summer, we stuffed ourselves, just a little silly, on my new pumpkin pie recipe with, of course, homemade whipped cream.
A woman made this quilt using nine shirts belonging to her late son. Her plan is to give it to his best friend. This teared me up and reminded me, once again, of how much I have to be thankful for.
And it goes without saying, that what wasn't homegrown was local. All of it. A 50lb bag of spuds from our local potato farmer to see us through the winter and cider from another local farm seasoned with spices and kept warm in the crock pot with apple and lemon slices.
These trees were only attached at the top and bottom. For a modern design, I liked it but I could see a certain cat having just too much fun with something like this.
And everything else we needed, was provided by our local farmers market, including yummy handmade holiday spice toffees, for that melt in your mouth pumpkin pie taste when it's needed in a jiffy.
And so with Thanksgiving only a day behind us, we're already planning for next year. Raising our own turkey is at the top of our wish list. We may be setting our sites a little high, time will tell.
But I also learned a thing or two when the weekend was said and done.
First, I need to learn how to sew. Really sew because I fell in love with this quilt. I see lessons in my immediate future.
Secondly, it's really fun to stalk a stalker.
And thirdly, taking the day off after a holiday to rest and tidy up the house while everyone else is back to work or school, is the perfect way to enjoy a piece of pie for breakfast.
~Be well friends~

I'm loving those quilts and I love the way you did your Thanksgiving all home grown and local...good for you!
The quilts and the pie are yummy!
Good golly Miss Molly, I am first!
Gorgeous quilts! And we have this in common...last Summer I purchased a nice ($$$) sewing machine. Guess What? It is still in the box! I want to learn to sew too :)
Good thing you have a pic of your stalker now. In case the Feds ever need it. Just sayin.
Happy Thanksgiving! Your menu sounds divine. And that pie? Thanks, now I am hungry for pumpkin pie. And that, I know how to make!!
xo, misha
Dear Andrea ... it sounds like you had the most fabulous Thanksgiving! And the weather (at least here) was perfect so that my guests could even sit out. My former inlaws used to raise turkeys ~ very stubborn fowl! I had originally decided to also take the day off after Thanksgiving but figured because we were eating early, I could get it all done on Monday. BIG MISTAKE so next year, I'll be doing what you did and enjoy the Tuesday off as well. Have a great week!!!
It sounds like you had a wonderful day together and the food was scrumptious! Thanksgiving is one of my favorite holidays simply because of all the food...forget getting up at 4 a.m. to make it all happen! It's terrific you were able to grow or find so much locally...what a grand day! And winter is a perfect time to quilt...great for those snowy days by the fire. Thanks for sharing all the fun.
Well, I have to tell you, I thoroughly enjoyed this post this morning :) Has me looking forward to Thanksgiving but just not too fast cause that would mean it would be late November and I am not ready for October to go! Last picture, YUM. Love punkin' pie for breakfast :)
YEAH! Love that you went local and that you had such a great Thanksgiving. Did you take a pastry 101 class? GREAT! And I'm with you, I'd love to learn to sew. I just need to learn how to sit and be still first! BEAUTIFUL Quilts!
I enjoyed your quilt photos Andrea, since I too am in that "I want to learn how to sew a quilt right now" stage. I think I'm going to try a doll quilt for my daughter's favourite doll first, since it's a project that will be nice and small. I hope I can get it finished before Christmas! I'm not usually very good at sitting down in front of my sewing machine when there are other things to do--it always seems like a "that can wait until tomorrow" kind of thing.
Awe, I wish I could be a quilter... So pretty!!!
Props for the homegrown holiday! The pie looks awesome.... I'm inviting myself for next year! ;)
OMG! Look at that double chin! And you caught me red-handed spending too much money on books! (Why was he wearing nail polish?!?)
I too had a tiny piece of pumpkin pie for breakfast on Monday...yum. In Oct. 2012, set aside time for the Oxford Quilting Guild Show and be prepared to see some really amazing quilts! And who knows, maybe by then you'll have made one yourself!
Love Stalker
Sounds like you had a wonderful Thanksgiving and lots of delicious food. The pictures of the quilts are great! Makes me wish I knew how to quilt myself. Maybe I'll sign up for a class one of these days...
hi andrea - thanks so much for stopping by for a visit today. i love the quilt photos. i recently bought the book quilting for dummies, and i think the big project in the book from start to finish is a quilted wall hanging. i don't have a sewing machine, but want to get a treadle sewing machine if i can, so i could work on quilting over the winter. i'm glad your thanksgiving turned out so well, here it was columbus day, and the banks and federal offices were closed, and maybe some state offices - no mail service. hope you are well, and rested up. take care, and thanks again for stopping by for a visit at my blog. xxoo - from Casey Co KY.
Andrea, what beautiful quilts. It sure makes me want to start shopping for fabric and then buy a sewing machine and learn to quilt! The colors are so wonderful. And your pie. . .well, it's a good thing I don't live next door. It looks so delicious. Happy Thanksgiving!
Yum! The quilts and the pie ;)
One of the 4-H grandmas and I toured the craft building at the Erin Fair on Thanksgiving Monday, and we both bought tickets on a gorgeous blue and white quilt one hour before closing. I found out today that my new friend won it! I'm so happy for her.
You should take a beginner course. I am far from an expert, okay, far far, but I do enjoy it. If only fabric wasn't so darned expensive.
Loved seeing all of those quilts. They are so amazing to me, even if I don't exactly love each and every one, they are still such works of art.
Glad to hear you took a day off after your feasting. Although I have to say, us Americans do Thanksgiving "right"... we have it on Thursday and take off 3 days to recover and shop! It's probably the ONLY holiday we do better than our northern neighbors.
My son played hockey for 10 years and since we're so close to the border our association played in a British Columbia league. For me, Canadian Thanksgiving means the start of hockey season!
Your dinner sounds so fabulous. Wish I could have tasted it :)
Those quilts are amazing. I do love the dress one--how cute is that? Colors are great too :) Glad you enjoyed the holiday!
andrea, hand over that darling red and white quilt....with those little dresses....awwww!
Aha! The stalker caught red-handed! Ü
Beautiful quilts, beautiful Thanksgiving, beautiful pictures!
A little late, but Happy Thanksgiving Andrea!
Pie for breakfast--I always knew you were my kind of girl. That quilt with the red little dresses is simply delightful! A belated TG to you!
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