It was a quiet eve leading up to this new year here at the old farmhouse.
It might have been because the twins were both away.
It might have been because the Artist has been sick all week,
and was still feeling a little off kilter.
It might have been the crash of a busy Christmas come to an end
that left me more tired than usual after returning to work.
But it was really none of those things.
I wish it was.
Sometime over the last few days, as we polished off the last of the Christmas cookies,
had another skate around the pond,
and made decisions about how best to send 2010 packing and welcome 2011,
one of our neighbours was horribly killed in her own home.
All the promises that come with start of a new year have been untidily swept under the rug, and in our
community, there is no doubt that it will remain so for many months to come.
As police scour the area looking for clues, as their dogs sniff the culverts along our road, as television
helicopters fly over head, I think that this was never, ever anything I envisioned when moving to this quiet little
woods two and a half years ago. I know I am not alone. We are in shock. And as police advise us to be
vigilant of suspicious activity, one can't help but be a little afraid.
I struggled, uselessly, this past week for a new year's resolution worth striving for
before one was placed in my hands yesterday.
This year I will get to know my neighbours, my fellow 'quiet country road' residents better.
2010 certainly did not welcome 2011 kindly before it scrambled out the back door.
My hope, for all of you, is that 2011 arrived with nary a shadow across your door.
~Stay safe friends~

Oh, I am SO sorry!! There is nothing that will shake your spirit to the core than feeling unsafe in your own home. I am truly sorry for all of you in that community. I hope the police can catch the person or persons responsible so you can all breathe a little bit better. I know that you'll never feel quite the same again, and I'm sorry for all of you affected by her horrible death.
I am so sorry to hear this happened to your neighbour. Hoping things feel safer soon. I think knowing your neighbours is great on so many levels, especially in a smaller community.
Andrea, I'm so sorry to hear about your neighbor. And I can only imagine the emotions that are running through the community right now! Sometimes this world can seem so cruel... it ain't heaven, that's for sure!
Last night, as I lay in bed around 2:00, all I could think of was the fact that someone had mentioned there had been some break-ins in the area a few weeks back and as I was the only one awake, every noise was suspicious. After much prayer and remembering that I had some coffee with caffeine in it earlier (always makes me jumpy and unable to sleep), I was able to relax a bit and fall asleep. I just hate not feeling safe in my own home or community; so my heart really goes out to you.
I pray that God would send His angels to guard every window and door of each and every home as well as every man, woman, and child, that evil will flee from the presence of love and goodness, and that the truth in this situation would be quickly revealed for the police.
Andrea I'm so sorry to hear about your neighbor. I can't imagine what everyone must be feeling right now. I can only hope that the person or persons are found so that you, your family and your community and of course your neighbor's loved ones will be able to somehow move past this.
It's sad to think that someone can end someone's live this way and the ripple effects that are felt all around.
Be safe,
I am so very sorry. Things have changed so is a violent and unpredictable world and trying to stay one step ahead of the dangers lurking out there is nerve-wracking, to say the least. If possible, I would recommend a good LARGE family type watchdog. A lot of times just the sound of their bark is an excellent deterrent. Rottweilers (or a Rottie mix) are an excellent choice. But knowing all of your neighbors well is a good thing as well. May this new year, as well as all the others following, keep you and yours safe and in good health.
How sad and scary to hear about your neighbor. I pray that they find the person/persons who did this horrible thing, quickly.
Stay safe.
Here's a toast for you all to have a happy, healthy, safe 2011.
So sorry about your neighbour. Everyone in the community must be unsettled. My thoughts and prayers are with you all. Let's hope for a quick capture of the criminal so you can all rest easy again.
Oh, Andrea, I am so sorry about your neighbour! What a frightening thing to experience for you and the others in your area. My heart goes out to their family. I pray you will all be safe and the guilty be found.
Andrea: I have been away and thought I would check in for the New Year. I am sorry to hear this news. I am also sorry that your dream is tarnished by the reality of your situation. However, stand firm in the knowledge that God is always near and He stands watch! He is good and His hands can be trusted. Tonight I am praying that His hands cover you as you sleep, bringing peace to your heart.
Love you,
Hugs from Poland!
This is so awful, I am so sorry. How to turn from this or even go about your day...I don't know if anyone can say or even if it possible. Perhaps, as you have said, sometimes it is these tragic events that strengthens resolve for a closer community. We all need each other, whether we want to admit it or not. I wish swift resolve for your community and that peace may flow back in, soon, despite undoubted fear. With warm thoughts, MJ
I am so sorry to hear about your neighbor. What a horrible and senseless tragedy. My heart goes out to the family and to all of you. Hopefully they will catch the guilty person soon.
Oh my gosh how terrible! I know how hard it is to lose a neighbor in a small community. My thoughts are with you and your town.
Andrea, thoughts and prayers are with you and your family, dear friend!! As well as with the family of that poor woman. I pray fervently that they will find the person responsible for this horrid crime. And soon!!
Prayers for justice, peace, and a healthy, safe 2011. Hugs, Tammy
Oh Andrea, I am so sorry for you, your community and that poor woman and her family!!! Praying for a speedy resolution and comfort for all.
Andrea, what a horrible shock it must have been for everyone. I pray that the police find out what happened for everyone's sakes. News like this has a way of shaking us down to the core. I don't know any of my neighbors here in my apartment complex, sad to say. I'm so sorry. Please be safe.
I really can't even think of what to say, a gasp was all that came out of my mouth, tears in my eyes, a lump in my throat, my stomach upside down.
All I can think is that I'm so glad you are safe.
I'll be back when I can think of something more intelligent.
Dear Andrea ... I'm following this story closely! The news is very sad and chilling. Please be safe!
This is terrible, Andrea. Although it's something that crosses the minds of many that live out in the country, it's usually just a bad feeling -- not the reality you are going through.
Please keep us posted on this story -- I'll be thinking of you and hoping it gets resolved soon.
Andrea how frightening. I too pray for justice for your neighbor and that the person is captured. I also pray that your sense of safety and peace in your home is restored. I have to say that living out in the country, remote, has always left a little teeny worry in my head and heart. You all will be on my mind, take good care.
So very sorry to read about this. Please be safe and mindful.
Andrea I'm so sorry. I'm sure it changes the way you think about everything. Wising you a safe New Year and hoping and praying they find the person who did this.
Oh my goodness, Andrea, what a horrible shock! I'm so sorry to know all of you have to bear this. I hope everyone's sense of peace will one day be restored.
Hi Andrea: My email is Email me anytime!
Andrea, how awful to read this post. My heart goes out to you, and my prayers are with you and your beautiful family.
Oh, I cannot imagine the horror of living this. Praying for peace to abide in your hearts and in your home. Praying for the family of your dear neighbor.
So sorry to hear this sad news. It makes us stop and be a bit more cautious, something I hate to have to think about doing in my corner of Mayberry. We had a similar situation in our town a couple of months rocks a community. However; in all the sadness, people came together in a spirit that was full of love and concern. Prayers for all there...we know it's a sad time.
I am so sorry to hear of this loss in your community. My prayers are with you, please be safe.
OMG Andrea,
I read this last night off my phone but I can't comment from it. I can't imagine how awful you must feel about all this. To say how sorry I am just doesn't begin to comfort you enough. I hope your community comes together to find the person who committed this awful crime.
Be safe!
Andrea, how frightening. How difficult to discover the rural world you felt was sheltered and safe is built on the same quicksand as large cities bustling with people.
I like your idea of building relationships with your neighbors in 2011. Banded together, knowing what others are doing, who is staying alone, whose house is empty might help alleviate some of these worries and fears.
It is hard to accept something like this. And I'm so sorry that you are all trying to find your way through that difficult task.
A few years back I found myself wanting to lock myself in the house and hide away. I did for a bit. And then I got mad. And told my husband, "If I do this, if I let what has happened poison my home and my life, then I lost, and they won." That feeling got my back up and I decided to be careful instead of afraid.
Your home may never feel the same again, but maybe you can find your way back to the joy you once had there.
Sending you hugs and prayers and hope in finding the ability to let the fear go and the joy come back in.
Andrea I am so sorry to read about your neighbour. I can certainly understand how your security has been shaken... living in the country like you do I would feel the same way. This has certainly made me realize that we need to get to know our neighbours better too as you just never know when you may need their help or be needed by them. I hope that it won't be long before you are able to feel at peace again but I know it will take some time to get over something like this. Please take care and know that there are lots of prayers going up in your behalf and your neighbours.
I am late catching up on the terrible I can not imagine how you must feel!
I am thinking of you and your family!
Andrea, I am just catching up on my blogs and read yours. I am so sorry for this terrible tragedy in your community. It is so hard to believe when things like this come so close to home. My prayers are with you and your neighbors.
Andrea!! I can't tell you how sorry I am this happened!! How horrific!! I'm in shock over this. Now a week later, has anything been found out? Has there been any leads? I'm asking God to wrap angel wings around your home and your family, to keep you safe, to give you peace in your heart, to give you comfort and safety. Hugs to you. I am so sorry! :o(
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