Here's the deal, I'm slicing and dicing this post into a set of triplets.
I have a trio of options and I'm presenting them all, sort of like the triple stakes.
Except no one goes home empty handed.
Did you know good luck comes in threes?
This week's theme just happens to be about thirds.
How's that for a coinkydink?
We went for a road trip on the weekend and a bevy of photos are forthcoming.
Any idea where this photo is taken?
I'll give you a hint...That's the good old US of A in the background.
I received an award from my dear friend Chris at Red Gate Farm.
I'm supposed to tell you seven things you may not know about me.
I feel a little deja vu happening; last time I did this I had to list ten items.
I like seven, it's not as nice as one or two but seven is okay. At least until seven eight nine.
Here goes:
1. I'm a bad joke teller. Of course you just discovered that.
2. I played the flute in school and could not make a sound from it. Not one.
3. I was a majorette, an uncoordinated, always running to catch up, majorette. With a big hat.
4. I kissed a whale. Killer. Salty. I really puckered up...groan, again. Told you.
5. In 1983 1982 (don't always trust google), my mom shared the same name as Miss Universe. It was weird.
6. In same said year, my Grandfather chauffeured Miss Universe and got her autograph for my mom. Even weirder since my mom already knew how to write her name. (just a little groan, k?)
7. I find it difficult to write uninteresting tidbits about myself.
And now I must pass this award on to seven more bloggers.
Doesn't this remind you of a chain letter?
I hate chain letters, but what I do love is giving new (to me) bloggers some exposure, so here they are:
Please be your regular cordial selves and pay them a visit.
Did you know I have a niece?
I do!
And if you go here, you can see her enjoying the Christmas gift she received from Auntie.
~ Peace, love and harmony~

Your niece is beautiful!
I always enjoy learning new things about the bloggers I follow. Makes the connection even more special. :)
lol...I was thinking..I didn't know Andrea and Misha were sisters!...I guessing Niagra Falls for the photo but really have no idea...stay warm...
Congrats on the award. How nice to learn more about you, thanks for sharing!
I am also guessing Niagra Falls.
You are too cute! Loved your 7 things, altho I'm not sure we learned all that much about you. :)
Thanks for naming me for the award! I received it last week from another blogger too so this just adds another "glow" to my blogger aura today! :)
I ADORE YOUR NIECE!!! Here I thought it was going to be a cute little girl all gussied up in a dress or something, and I come to find an ADORABLE 1 yr old beauty! Fell in love and had to follow Misha and her crew. Thanks for that!
I'll go visit some of your other links now. Thanks, again, dearie!
LOL Love your niece Andrea!! I'm guessing Niagra Falls also. So your Mom's name was Lorraine was the last name the same too? Congratulations on your award!'s hard telling things about yourself isn't it ;) I hope you're warming up just a bit up there...enjoy your day!
Maura :)
Your niece ~ what side of the family does she get her looks from? I hope she doesn't spend her five bucks all in one place!
Looks like you were visiting Niagara Falls! Always a fun place to visit with, of course, gorgeous scenery!
I now have to google Miss Universe 1983 because my curiosity runneth over! Have a fab. day!
So even if you're not a good joke teller... well you sure are a funny and witty writer! I so love reading your posts! And learning a little more about you too.
I'm really enjoying "following" the bloggers participating in Farmgirl Paints "Thrive" project. Looking at some of my own favorite photos I can see that I accidentally managed to take a picture that captured these same tips/lessons!
PS And I'm also guessing Niagara Falls?? Hopefully that picture will be me in a few weeks, sans the hockey hat of course!
PERFECT! Great shot and example of the rule of thirds:)
First, I am ROFL. You ARE funny, maybe not the joke kind a funny, but this kind of funny is WAY better!!
Second, I am completely flattered and totally giddy that you gave me some blog love and an award. This would be my very very first :). Insert BIG HEART here. Third--Love keeping up with your Thrive project!
Lastly, do I have to do the 7 things and pass the award on? I think I do right?
Thanks Andrea, you and your blog are a blessing :).
I just found you through Becky's blog, aren't you just the cutest thing?! You've got personality to spare, girl. :-)
And yep, I'm voting Niagara Falls, too.
Happy Wednesday!
Andrea, first I love the photo. It looks a little chilly though. I am also guessing Niagara Falls. Second, I personally think you're quite witty and funny which makes the pressure even more so now that I must come up with 7 things. Thank you for including me - you are so very sweet.
deer auntie aNdreea,
tanku so much for pudding me in dis post. i weely am happie about it. evry filly shood hav a auntie jus like u! not cuz u senz me $5.oo but cuz u luv me no madder how mush truble i gitz into.
tudae i tried to play in my water buket befor mishy had it on the hook. o boy. water wents evrywhere. i laughed. so did mishy. but onlee after she sed "Oh, annie!" she sez that a hole lot!
thanx for luving me.
andalucia aka annie! (u know, the filly)
Hi, Andrea, thank you so much for naming me in you awards! It's the first time and I'm so nervous about it :).
I'm admiring you for having the force to start the new life you wanted and I'm happy you are sharing that with us.
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