My not so little anymore French man, while on food prep duty for Friday pizza night.
I've got three things to say about this photo.
1. This boy loves his bread; by the age of one he was addicted to fresh rolls from the Portuguese bakery courtesy of my stalker. He keeps a good grip on his carbs, and now I'm also a little worried that this could be the same bread stick from last week.
2. While he's always the first one ready to say grace, even this is a little premature. I think he was just happy that pizza night was a go. Once in a while I do like to have something different. The nerve.
3. I am a master of trick photography. Because, never, ever has this boy moved that fast. Eight months in utero and they were concerned because he wasn't moving. Nothing has changed I tell ya, nothing!
I'm linking up to Farmgirl Paints Thrive Project.
~Hide your bread friends!~

Very cute! You made me snicker. :)
And I loves me some bread too!
Cute and he does look like a busy bee!
lol! This Glimmer twin looks like a great grater! I'm a carb gal myself, especially if they originate in Portugal!
Mmmm. I love bread too. In fact I made three varieties today and just posted about it.
My baby is the opposite. She tried to push right out of my belly button in utero and she hasn't stopped moving and pushing me around since!
I'm telling you...send me a boy Glimmer Twin and we will get him moving and shaking that barn!
But, of course, Auntie Misha would have a soft spot. He and I could lunch each day at the Tellico Grainery. Fresh baked breads all-day-long!
Then back to the barn. To clean more stalls, bath a muddy Cadence, groom Annie and the girls, sweep, mend fences...yada yada yada!
I fear he may be screaming to go home.
But, then Anniw would give him a fresh "oatmeal" kiss and he would fall in luv!
xo, misha
That's so cute!
He's adorable, Andrea. Looks like you've got a budding chef there. :)
French! That is wonderful! When my son was in public school he was in a french-immersion classes. It was amazing how quickly he picked it up :). Looking forward to seeing your thrive project! I would think its for DSLR cameras only right? One day...
Ahh, the days when you could get your children to actually help you with something....
LOVE that he kept the breadstick in hand... I personally am not picky about where my carbs come from. I must admit, I'm a carb person, not a chocolate person!
That is an awesome action shot!! Thanks so much for participating:)
Great action shot! What a helpful young man.
Very pretty bracelet!
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