February is one week in.
How can that be?
It's been a bitterly cold winter thus far and I know we're all seeking some greenery wrapped in sunshine.
But I'm not quite ready to beckon spring's arrival just yet.
You see there is so much to do and once spring arrives,
all eyes will be directed squarely anywhere not inside the farmhouse.
Besides I still have mucho planning to finish before then.
The Artist gifted me with these beautiful cloth bound books for Christmas.
I think they pretty much sum up what's on the top of my agenda this spring.
The Artist gifted me with these beautiful cloth bound books for Christmas.
I think they pretty much sum up what's on the top of my agenda this spring.
I am as thick as thieves into the poultry book;
it's informative and a delightful read for a newbie like me.
I couldn't find much information about the author, Vivian Head; the books are UK publications.
Please, speak up if you're familiar with these.
And on that note, I'll wrap up by saying the Artist and I have finalized the coop location
(a lot of discussion went into that, let me tell you)
and peeps were sourced yesterday.
My barnheart is overjoyed.
it's informative and a delightful read for a newbie like me.
I couldn't find much information about the author, Vivian Head; the books are UK publications.
Please, speak up if you're familiar with these.
And on that note, I'll wrap up by saying the Artist and I have finalized the coop location
(a lot of discussion went into that, let me tell you)
and peeps were sourced yesterday.
My barnheart is overjoyed.
~Bee well friends!~

Yay sounds like fun...can't wait to read your upcoming adventures! I'm right there with you on not rushing spring...everything inside gets tossed to the wind when outdoor chores beckon (or rather yell!) And with that thought...I'd best get back to "spring" cleaning! Keep us posted on what's next!
Great gift from the artist. You will love, love, love having chicks. We spent months deciding the location of the coop. Built it, moved babies in and then hooked it up one day ( not for the faint of heart ) and moved it. I spy a bee keeping book too. Something I'd love to add to the farm. One day!
I am so excited for you!!! You are doing what I dream of doing one day!! Let us know what you think of the books when you are finished, I might have to hunt them down :).
Lucky you! You have to keep us updated on all your chicken adventures.
Oh that sounds like all sorts of adventures to come! Can't wait!
How nice -- love the books. I mean the look of them. I have not read them. Cloth bound vs. softcover -- there's no comparison.
Looking forward to seeing your coop and chickies. :)
You have so much to look forward to this coming year! Both your books look like great reads and I know I'm going to thoroughly enjoying following your newest adventures! There will be lots to learn for this suburban gal!
I can hardly wait to see what you think about raising chickens! We only have 5 but they are a lot of fun. They are so quirky and can really make a person laugh! I love to watch them run and hurry when you give them a little treat. Of course, we are very thankful for the abundance of eggs we get from just our 5 every day!
I'm going to have to check out your new chicken book when I get over to the bookstore... although I know I won't be getting any geese or turkeys. Geese scare me because they are notoriously mean at our parks and turkeys, well they just plain scare me!
PS I'm also going to check out the "Soil Mates" book you have on your sidebar...
Andrea those books look so Spring-ie and how sweet of the Artist! How fun! More chicken pictures and stories to read. Never get tired of those feathered "girls" and their antics. I am so looking forward to pictures!
Ohhhh!!!! And Bees, Bees, Bees!
Dang you would think I coulda got this done in two posts! I love the post about your farm coat!
So are you joining me in a beekeeping adventure this year? How exciting! Your books look beautiful. And I have to say, I love the new look on your blog, especially the charming fonts!
I teach a "how to look after chickens" course every year!
I have held three course so far!
great fun!
Hooray!!! I am so excited for you. Can't wait to see those cute little chick photos.
You will have so much fun with the chickens, the bees sound fun as well....good luck!!
I'm not familiar with either book, but I can't wait to hear all about them! What a thoughtful gift. And bees!! I'm very excited about that.
Good luck with your poultry project. I do love chickens.
So excited for your new project(s) (...and can't wait to see the updates:)))
This seriously makes me chuckly because... well because it's so foreign to me. I remember going out and getting eggs in the morning at my uncle and aunts house. It was the coolest thing ever.
Yes!!!!! Chickens and bees! Because I don't do either, so this is your job!!
And, remember.
Someday, when we are old women.......
we will have a honey stand. Each morning we will load the little cart with all your homemade goodies. I will harness up Annie who will pull the little cart to the dirt road so passersby can stop and buy all the goodness!
They will know us. The two old widows who live down the lane! They stop to chat, and pet Annie while feeding her sugar cubes. And marvel that she is 30 years old......
xo, misha
xo, misha
How exciting!! Bees too, that's awesome! I love that your barnheart is giddy! :o)
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