It seems my friends, that winter is just dripping away...
Your time has come, now hasten little snowflakes,
To vanish quite away;
The spring-tide hours are sounding gentle warnings
Forbidding you to stay.
~ M. E. Hathaway
To vanish quite away;
The spring-tide hours are sounding gentle warnings
Forbidding you to stay.
~ M. E. Hathaway
~Be well friends~

Oh Andrea, I sure hope so. Love that little poem and the picture is beautiful too :)
That's ok! I know I'm ready for spring and I KNOW that people in the "great white north" are as well.
PS I started reading The Day the Falls Stood Still last night. Sheryl (ain't for city gals) said you had recommended it to her... LOVE it and I LOVE that I can actually picture the surroundings in my head! Well except for the garish/touristy parts that is :)
Beautiful! Hurray for spring in the great white north!
And all I can say is YAHOOOOOOO!
Drip on snowflakes, drip on:)
Andrea - I'm hoping and wishing Spring is on it's way here too. The dripping began for us, but I woke up this morning to more snow and sleet. Ugh. Back to the seed catalogs to give me hope. Glad you found the book - sorry, it does say on the counter it had previously been published with the name you found it under.
Have a great rest of the week!
Andrea we were big drips yesterday!
Beautiful picture :)
Don't you love it when you find the perfect quote, poem, etc. to match up with a photo!
And this one was perfect....
Won't be long now, Andrea! We have been having gorgeous Spring weather for the last couple of weeks and I am totally enjoying it..I can imagine how you must feel with all super cold weather..
I would love for it to drip here. Still cold!
Waiting ..... patiently waiting!
here the flowers are begining to bloom, yes spring is coming!
I'm so glad Andrea! It's been a long winter for us all. :)
What a pretty picture!
I've been waiting for this moment since Boxing Day. ;)
Welcome Spring & everything it brings!
We have long thawed out, rain has moved in!
Tomorrow, will envy me! Sunny and in the 70's! Now, don't be jeal :)
xo, misha
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