There are times when life will bring you a little more excitement than you bargained for.
It's best just to laugh it off.
Disclaimer: No Glimmer Twin was harmed in the making of this scene.
Update: My apologies if it seems like I've pulled the wool over any ones eyes. What seemed obvious to me may not seem quite as obvious to the rest of you. Perhaps I've just been hanging out with the Artist/Animation Guru/Tech Guy just a little too long. The third photo is a creation of the Artist. The male twin did fall, however, children are as children do, which includes stepping in front of the camera when someone is trying to take a photo. I have a photo of the male twin, airborne no less, but the Artist thought this one would be more palatable. Again, my apologies and here is the male twin in action.

One final thought to paraphrase Orson Wells, "I assure you that the upside down 'glimmer twin' has no further significance than as the comedic offering it was intended to be".
~Be well friends!~
OMG!!! Yikes!
Great pic! Glad no one was hurt!
Wow, how cool that you caught the pic! Go Glimmer Twin!
Wow, is that an upside down triple lutz? Glad to hear everyone was "ok"!
Holy Cow--what a gymnast. Great shot though :)
Great catch on your camera! I have to wonder what the shots before and after number 3 would be. He's practically vertical! Wow!
Yikeahooties! That was quite the spill!
Yikes... I can't believe you were able to get a picture of that flip. Glad he didn't get hurt!
The artist did a great job on photo #3! Could have fooled all of us!
Love that shot!
WOW! I am impressed that you captured that fantastic shot. What a great kid that boy of your's is!!!!
Whoa, talk about a Kodak moment! What a shot!
God bless ya and have a remarkable day sweetie!!!
Andrea great series of shots and I ALWAYS love the male twin's facial expressions! He cracks me up :) He just really has some wonderful spontaneous reactions to life!
LOL what a great shot Andrea even if it's been altered! I'm with Pix (Rural Rambler)...the male twin makes me laugh too. He reminds me of my second son...always goofing around and having fun. Thanks for giving us a good laugh.
Maura :)
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