Welcome to Day 2 of Harvest Week.
If you've missed Day 1, please scroll down
to learn about the local diet in Southwestern Ontario.
Today's guest writer is Kelly Jean from Salt Spring Island, BC.
Hello Rural Revelers, I am pleased to share with you my local, organic food
I live on Salt Spring Island in British Columbia at a Yoga Centre where I
am blessed with plenty of organic local produce. Most of our meals come right from
our garden and are of course made with much love.
Our lovely farm
Yogis work so hard to make the garden flourish and can usually be found in
the dirt in their lovely sundresses, laughing and dancing. It is a joyous sight to behold! It is incredibly wonderful to see the amounts of fruits, vegetables, grains and flowers that are produced right here.
We also sell some produce at the local farmer's market
in town each Tuesday along with all the other beautiful farms on the island. It is
incredible to walk through that market and enjoy tastes from all over the island.
Everything is grown with love and good intentions to nurture our bodies and
keep the community healthy. While the centre strives to be as self-sufficient as possible, those foods that are not produced here still come from the island with only a very limited number of items brought from far away. It is a rewarding experience to be able to
contribute to the community here and be rewarded with local,
healthy food. For me, I find it so important to eat locally and to support our
communities that we live in, no matter where in the world we may live. The earth would be so much healthier and happier if we all learned to grow and eat locally.
Ganges Market
With the ease of accessibility in our supermarkets, we have really lost touch with how food is grown while not even aware of the contents of
the packaged foods we consume regularly because it is simply more convenient and easy, not to mention the impact on the earth with transporting foods half way
across the world!
Today many live in such a fast paced lifestyle and dread
making the food to nourish their own bodies because perhaps they have had a
long, tiresome day, not aware of those emotions going right into the food
they are about to eat. Set aside time to prepare your food with your
family and enjoy that time together, enjoy different cooking ideas and what you discover in the process may take you by surprise! We should all take
a step back and think of how important it is to take time and be
mindful of what goes into our food. Support your local farmers for all
their hard work and be rewarded with delicious and nutritious foods. Find out what is
currently in season and stock up! Learning to can your food to provide for the
off season is a worthy skill that had until recently almost seemed lost. Help spread the awareness of local eating, the benefits are numerous but most of all the earth, your
bodies and your soul will thank you!
Kelly Jean currently calls Salt Spring Island, in beautiful British Columbia, home after moving from Ontario almost 4 years ago. She is amazed by how much she has learned from traveling though out British Columbia and has fallen in love with the self-sustaining lifestyle found there. Kelly enjoys exploring a mountain on her snowboard in the winter and soothing her soul on the sea in a kayak during summer and in her spare time makes jewelery, loves the hula hoop and plays the didgeridoo.
She takes great passion in taking care of her body, mind and spirit with yoga, meditation, healthy eating and feeding the heart with friendships.Someday she hopes to live a completely self-sustaining lifestyle with her own cob house and if you're not sure what that it, she suggests you look it up and get inspired!
Kelly Jean wishes everyone much love, sunshine and gratitude for stopping by today. Om.
Remember to join us and share what local means to you on Friday!

Great post
your guest writer is amazing! thanks for posting :)
thanks lovely ladies!! -KellyJean
LOVED this :)
What an amazing piece. Thank you for sharing your beautiful life and spirit!
xo, misha
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