This year, after two years of failing rather miserably at starting morning glory plants from seed, I picked up three plants at a local nursery. Once I got them home, I quickly realized I don't have a trellis or fence for them to climb. So I placed them in one of the herb beds and watered them fastidiously until I could find a home for them. They're still there.
edited with Kim Klassen's 'dream' texture
Before I knew it, we had rain, and I sort of became a little lax when it came to my watering regime. Note to self: baskets and pots must be checked routinely, no matter how much it rained...last week. So imagine my surprise, more like delight actually when I headed out for a morning run on the weekend and I saw this. I took two strides and did an about face, running straight inside for the camera. I do believe they're just as pretty folded up as they are wide open.
edited with Kim Klassen's 'if only' texture
As a teenager sleeping over at my grandparent's house, my grandmother would be dismayed that I could sleep in long enough to miss the entire show put on by her morning glories. I would wake in time to see lots of green but not much in the way of flowers. It's been 18 years since I've heard her voice but I can hear it just as clearly as if it's only been a day and the sight of a morning glory reminds me of that smile and sparkle in her eyes reserved just for me.
~Be well friends~

Such sweet memories of your grandmother you've held in your heart. Funny how some small thing opens the door for the memories to come flooding back.
I love morning glories too-especially the blue ones. I always notched mine with a knife and soaked them in water overnight before planting. But yours sure grew without any special preparation!
Oh what a beautiful post. My Grandma had morning glories too. They are beautiful. I love the last line. B
so beautiful. i believe it has been years since i've seen a morning glory bloom as well. thank you for sharing. {popped over from sweet shot tuesday}
Oh such a beautiful post. That is so sweet about your grandmother. The photos are lovely. I think they look just as good closed too.
So pretty! I love morning glories. My chickens ate all of them this year. Live and learn!
What a nice memory. Mine are just beginning to really thrive now, when it's about to get too cold. Next year, not from seed, and in a better location.
I love your morning glories. I remember morning glories and 4 o'clock from my childhood!
Just lovely--the texture is perfect!
oh andrea, your memory made this all the more beautiful. :)
Such a beautiful flower. And you've done great work with it. I always loved walking out in the early morning and seeing the blooming glories.
Morning glories are so special to me. One whole side of my grandparent's old farmhouse was covered with them. I thought it was the most amazing thing as a little girl.
I love that they bring such wonderful memories for you. They are just amazing to see and only put on their show for those that rise early to see them. I had them at my other house and they multiplied like wildfire!
Beautiful images and texture work! I love morning glories and for some reason have had wonderful success with them -- they reseed like crazy. I have trouble photographing them, though. They are soft and even with a tripod, my shots always look out of focus. Yours look great, so it must be me! ; }
Beautiful! I love morning glories. It's so nice that you have a sweet memory to go with them.
I've tried morning glories... I've tried 4 o'clocks (I'm told they're "related")... no luck! Maybe I should try to ignore them and see what happens :)
PS oops... forgot to say how gorgeous that blossom is!
So pretty. Brings back memories of my grandmother's home and her Morning Glories.
Beautiful flowers and wonderful memories. I love how flowers so often hold special memories for us.
Simply terrific texture work!! :)
Awww, so pretty and sweet. Makes me feel a bit less badly about my own (numerous) untransplanted plants too!
Beautiful photo's with textures Andrea. Such a special memory of your Grandmother...I love how certain flowers bring back memories of a loved one. Lilacs and Delphiniums remind me of my Nana up in Manitoba and her beautiful gardens. I agree with you...the Morning Glories still look good folding up!
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