After much serious doubt as to whether there would be any activities on the pond this
winter, we were finally able to spend some quality time on the pond this weekend! It's been
frozen, thawed and then frozen more times than we'd like to count over the last two months
but it was far from smooth and skating on a bumpy pond just ain't fun. The beginning of the
past week brought us rain followed by a quick freeze with no wind. And no wind is really
the key to getting ice that is smooth as glass.
It takes the Artist hours to clear the entire pond. The snow blower clears the majority
of the snow but it doesn't clear it all, so he covers the entire pond by foot to clear the rest.
Callie keeps a close eye on him, just to make sure he doesn't miss a spot.
And as soon as there is a large enough area, the twins have at it.
They declared they were going to skate ALL day and they pretty nearly did.
I, on the other hand, opted for some pond curling with my step-mom. Pond curling requires
even further ice clearing with a push broom to ensure those rocks glide as well as possible.
We also spray several coats of a super fine water mist on the ice, allowing each coat to freeze
before reapplying, to mimic that pebbly texture found on indoor curling rinks.
Our weekend weather was perfect with blue skies and temps hovering around
zero Celsius while the winter hearts of two twins were especially well fed.
~Be well friends~

Wow great idea curling. Looks so inviting. Great happy post. B
What fun that looks . . . love the HUGE smiles on the twins!
There's nothing like skating outdoors. Pond curling! I'd love to try that.
I'm in SC and this idea of skating on a pond is so incredibly foreign but so incredibly FUN. Wish I could do this for my kids!
I have such great memories of skating on our local pond in my "kidhood"!
Awesome memories they are making :)
xo, misha
HI Andrea,
Wow...that's so cool that you have a really nice pond to go skating on :) :) It reminds me of a scene right out of Road to Avonlea tv series :) :) Enjoy :) :) Love and hugs from the ocean shores of California, Heather :)
My kids would be sooooo jealous if they saw your beautiful pics! Who am I kidding, I'M jealous! ;-) Lots of work earns lots more fun I see... Sure beats the crowded dim indoor place we went! Enjoy!
Wow, that looks like fun! COLD, but fun! :)
And there you have it ... Country living at its best!
Great winter sports that are only better in snow and up north. When i lived in Florida those things were just not the same! Richard
This post brings back wonderful childhood memories or spending our winters skating on Spook Hollow pond, about a mile from our house. Pick up hockey games, practicing our spins and whipping people around until they can't hold on anymore and getting a great laugh when they flew into a snow bank. LOL!! Thanks for the memories. : )
~ Wendy
P.S. My kids and I love to watch the curling during the winter olympics. We're always so amazed at how quickly the people move those brooms back and forth!! : )
What a great day! Your twins are adorable kids.
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