The twins had a special riding clinic over the weekend; putting their riding skills to the test and learning about western games. I decided to sneak in before it was over and take some photos of the group in action.
This is the welcoming committee at Ride with the Wind stables.
This little girl knocks my socks off.
If only she would come home with me.
Then I could pet beagle ears all day long and life would be swell.
When I arrived they were practicing barrel racing.
Well, some may have been barrel walking instead but all good things come to he (or she) who waits.
Others, it seems, were built for speed. This isn't always a good thing.
Horses? I can get used to that.
A driver's licence?
I think not.
This is the newest arrival at the barn, Phoenix. She was very sweet and snuggled right up to me.
This is the newest arrival at the barn, Phoenix. She was very sweet and snuggled right up to me.
We were very surprised when we learned that Phoenix had previously belonged to a Mennonite family, as a cart horse, as she was underweight and a little rough around the edges when she arrived. Needless to say, I was happy to see how much she had improved in just a few weeks.
Chevy is quite a character and he's also madly in love with the head horse of the barn, Tessa. Luckily for Chevy, it's not an unrequited love. The first time we visited the barn, Tessa was quite upset to be in her stall without Chevy in the barn. The two are rather inseparable around the farm and it's quite cute to watch them together.
The male twin and his favourite mount, Frosty.
The male twin and his favourite mount, Frosty.
I think there is a mutual affection thing happening here too,
but I could be wrong,
maybe he just smells like apples and carrots.
And before you think I'm, perhaps, a little too harsh about the whole driving issue.
Let me ask you this...
Would you let any of these glimmer twins drive your vehicle?
I thought not.
And on that final note,
Mommas don't let your babies grow up to be rock stars.
Let'em be cowboys and wranglers and such.
~Be well friends...and thank you for your fancy footnotes on the fiddlehead fern post!~maybe he just smells like apples and carrots.
And before you think I'm, perhaps, a little too harsh about the whole driving issue.
Let me ask you this...
Would you let any of these glimmer twins drive your vehicle?
I thought not.
And on that final note,
Mommas don't let your babies grow up to be rock stars.
Let'em be cowboys and wranglers and such.

Your glimmer twins are so cute! Then you put cowboy hats on them -- even more cute! It must be such a joy to watch them ride.
PS Love that the stable has a dog named Nescafe. HA!
What sweet kids! I would have given my eye teeth or at least all my allowance to be able to be around horses when I was that age. I had to wait until I was 17...then the next time was at 32! You're children are VERY VERY fortunate. It's wonderful to see the love between your son and sweet is that! Enjoy every minute of it Andrea...they grow up so fast. Have a wonderful Tuesday! :)
Horses are the best friends a child can have. Keeps 'em out of trouble!
Your kiddos are so lucky to have this opportunity! I can't think of a better activity for them. And..
they are positively adorable as well, those Glimmer Twins :) -Tammy
Love those ears! (And you can guess which ones!)
Mom AKA The Stalker
They look like their having a ball! As a mom of a 17 year old who is still having trouble driving a stick shift and keeping and eye on the road at the same time after months of practice, I must say that a horse sounds very appealing!!! (Don't worry, we haven't let her loose yet - I think we'll have to get her an old automatic so she doesn't have to multi-task while driving!)
Oh, be still my hooves and heart!
This was me as a kid :) And, yes, I stayed out of the trouble my friends were all in! I couldn't wait to get home from school each day, to clean stalls, and groom horses. Then, I got to ride!
And to be able to do all this I had to keep the grades up. It was a win-win situation for the parents and me!
How awesome is this for your kids! Your blessed kids :)
xo, misha
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