By hook or by crook, the twins and myself made it just in the nick of time to snag ourselves a bunch of these beauties.
Our first few days of summer vacation were splendid. Warm summer days have been spent with book in hand; cool summer mornings have been spent at the local village tennis courts. Spare moments have been filled weeding the vegetable garden, planting blueberry bushes and lavender and entertaining friends with a bbq and a bonfire.
In fact, we've spent so much time out of doors, that all of our berry picking skills were almost for naught. Lest you be alarmed at such a travesty, fear not. They've been put to use in salads, home made jam, our first ever batch of home made ice cream ( to die for! ) and an entire lot was sent packing to the freezer out of reverence for those winter days when a pick me up is needed most; on those dark and frosty mornings we will celebrate with a smoothie for breakfast and remember those summer days of past and dream about the ones yet to come.
To my dear American friends, I sincerely hope your Independence Day holiday was filled with joy, happiness and fellowship with those you love. As for Canada Day here at the old farmhouse, it was a wonderful day indeed. While I have been neglecting my computer to enjoy these fleeting summer days, I will, as promised, fill you in on all the details soon.
~Until then friends~

YUM..I brought home a little more than I should have too...and did the same..stashed some in the freezer and a bit of jam for the winter...glad you had a great weekend...
I have missed you! Know you are busy with summer here and the twins out of school!
Yum-O those berries look delish! We have been eating them with everything, too! Our dogs love them, dipped in a little sugar. Tails wagging, jowls drooling! Sadie Louise just cannot get enough :) When she gets a sour one, she makes the goofiest face. But, she forges ahead and makes sure Zeke does not get her berry!
Our 4th was the same as any other day.Last night I stayed at the house with the pups, and J was at the barn with the horses. Fireworks and animals not a good mix!
Cannot wait to see your next post, Andrea! Maybe about Bees? On my side, where I have blogs I follow (before the vintage, shabby list) there is a cool beehive I put on the blog. Hope that makes sense! I thought you might like to swipe it :)
Have a wonderful day tomorrow! xo, misha
And a belated Happy Canada Day to you! (July 1 was also my husband's birthday - what a good day!
Enjoy your summer break and all those strawberries!
Andrea - those strawberries look sooo good. I'm glad you were able to use some of them in great "recipes" and especially that you've been able to freeze the rest so that in the winter, when the only next best thing would be to have some garden tomatoes! I'll have to check out some u-pick farms around here and get some deelish fruits. Thanks for the reminder. Take care, from KY.
Ahhh, homemade ice cream sounds wonderful! We're in the middle of a head-wave here in the've inspired me! I think homemade ice cream will be on the menu at day's end!
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