
Monday, April 4, 2011

Barn Charm Barn Hop #2

This old stone barn is a treat for me, each time we head home from my mother-in-law's house. Never on the way there, but for some reason, the Artist's route home almost always brings us past here and if it's not dark out, you can find me in the passenger seat, at the ready for a brief glimpse of barn love.  I adore this barn, full of character and like all barns, it's own well worn history.  In those windows, to the left, in the wooden addition is an old spinning wheel sitting in the corner which just adds more charm than one can handle. I could move right in. Seriously. Care to join me?

There aren't many stone barns, especially of this size, in our neck of the woods, but in this area, to the north of us, there are more stone houses than you can shake a stick at, and each one is clearly defined by old stone fences lining the roadside. I'd say they're a fairly good indicator of what life was like as the original settlers cleared this land. Hats off to all of them. It must have been a hard life.

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~Be well friends!~


EG CameraGirl said...

I rarely see stone barns such as this on in my area but now I will be looking for them!

Tammy said...

A stone barn...a rare treat!

Jan n Jer said...

This is a first for it!

gigi said...

A very unique looking beauty!

ain't for city gals said...

I don't think I have ever seen a stone barn...lots of work involved in one.

Michelle said...

Really a unique barn. Love it!

TexWisGirl said...

wow. the stone barn is really unique! :)

Rose said...

Gee, I love this...I love stone anything...but stone and barn just go together!

Dawn said...

A STONE BARN! That is something one doesn't see all too often.

Kim, USA said...

I agree not much of stone barn anymore and I even have not seen one here in MI. Thanks for sharing!

Barn Charm

brooke said...

I have to confess. I have HUGE barn envy. We have a great place and I love it, but our old barn burnt down and now we just have new barns. There is just something about hand cut timbers and all that character that only an old barn can have.

Lesley said...

Oh my - can you just imagine what a beautiful home this would make from a barn conversion!! I don't think I have ever seen a complete stone barn before, either.

Mary, Windy Meadows Farm said...

I love an old stone barn too...and stone homes for that matter. There's something about them that looks strong against the weather, and that they were meant to last for the next generations. And the spinning wheel...that just makes it all the better...the stories it could tell. -Mary

Lisa ~Suburban Retreat~ said...

Ahhhh, Barn Love! So beautiful! I actually have a friend of a friend who resides in the loft of a very large barn and the space is STUNNING!

Judy said...

This ones a beauty. I don't think I've ever seen a stone barn before...Nice!

zaloette said...

That's a truly wonderful barn. When I travel to France, which I try to do as often as I can, I love watching those farms and granges past my car's window.

When I come back to Spain I always try getting as much pictures of those wonderful granges as I can.

Thanks for sharing,


Anonymous said...

Heheheee The "brief glimpse of barn love" put a smile on my face... I do the same thing getting quick looks at old barns!
The stone is awesome... A LOT OF WORK went into building that place! =)

Tim said...

I love stone barns!

John Going Gently said...

I would kill my own mother for that barn!

Unknown said...

My heart goes pitter patter for a barn like that! I grew up in a German/Spanish area of TX and there were LOTS of rock houses. I really miss that...

Vintage Country Girl said...

I'm a sucker for old barns. Love this stone one. Thanks for sharing!

Lisa @ Two Bears Farm said...

Oh wow! that is one of the coolest barns I have ever seen!

MJ said...

Just beautiful, the charm, the stonework, the history. The stones really tell a story don't they?

Vintage West said...

Seem like we never have enough barn space around here, I wish I had a barn that size!