The sky is falling, the sky is falling!
Maybe it just seems that way. From a certain room in the old farmhouse,
if you look up, way up, it sort of feels like we're being buried in leaves.
We spent the entire past weekend stacking this winter's wood supply. We ordered an extra cord this year, because there is nothing worse than heading out to the woodshed on a cold March day to discover that when your husband had told you the supply was getting low, he meant really, really low. There isn't ample storage for all that extra wood so there are strategic stacks placed all around the farmhouse. It sort of feels like we're being buried by wood too. I think I prefer the leaves. Eventually they'll blow away.
The male twin needed a picture for school of his favourite past time, so he asked me to take his photo while reading. ~Be still my heart.~ All those days of laying on the floor reading dinosaur books when he was a baby have paid off, ten fold.
Speaking of dinosaurs, it seems their distant relatives have a protected habitat not far from the old farmhouse. I do believe their territory has expanded down the road, as I spotted this one in our living room.
Or is it an offering from this year's pumpkin patch?
Turkey or pumpkin? Some days, you can't quite discern the two!
~Happy Thursday Friends!~

Andrea I found the most rewarding thing in being a Mother was watching my girls with a book in their hand wherever they go. This makes me very happy. The male twin will have great rewards the rest of his life a gift like no other.
Love the leaves and also a big fan of a full wood house. B
oh my son read that book last year - your son will enjoy it - waiting for the next book already!
The best thing you can do is read with your kids....they are never too young...a book is always my gift at a baby shower.
Wonderful photos. Great that your child enjoys reading. And I like how the leaves are floating.
Lovely fall photos. And it's wonderful that his favorite thing is reading!! Yay!! I can't be sure my son will follow suit, though I secretly pray for it and keep reading to him nonetheless (it's a good thing if he asks for it yes?).
Ember has grown into a beautiful teenager!!
Beautiful fall pictures. I keep marvelling at the wonderful fall scenes in other countries. We do not get to see them in Jamaica. It is great that your son likes to read. A wealth of knowledge is gained from reading.I am a new Follower of your Blog from Katherine Corner's Thursday Favourite Things Blog Hop. A good Thursday to you and your family.
Beautiful fall photos. I have to drive very far to get scenes like this. Well done.
Reading is awesome! You really can't start 'em too young! ...and that second shot really does look like the sky is falling!
Great shots. Love the colors in that second shot.
Good photos.
You have a great attitude and are so aware of your surroundings.
Love the "wild turkey" shot... so full of gorgeous fall colors!
A reader! Fantastic! My daughter was a big reader... my son not so much. I read book after book to my kids when they were little but I guess sometimes it just comes down to what you love to do! As a kid I would read anything... even the cereal box at breakfast, of course now I am never without my Kindle.
Your leave pictures are just amazing!! Hope you're enjoying a lovely fall!
LOVE the kitty shot... Insanely adorable!!! =)
happy week
awh...handsome boy and precious kitty and fabulous fall colors, you are blessed. I believe one of the greatest gifts we can give our kids is the gift of reading. Remember I said one of the greatest, there are more.
I followed over from Katherine's Corner :) and so glad I did!
Now I'm a new follower!
Love the colours in the second shot and the kitty is oh so cute!
Love the colours in the second shot and the kitty is oh so cute!
sweetie I love all of your wonderful photos, but the one of your son reading is my absolute favorite. I am constantly reminding our grandchildren of the importance of reading a good book. Big hugs and thank you so much for linking up xo
Great photos! Such pretty fall colors!
How great to see your son reading! I have always loved books and reading but with all the video games these days it seems like the younger generation doesn't read as much.
Cute kitty!
Wonderful post! I love the pic of your son reading and it's so great that he loves to read!
That second shot- WOW- so pretty
cute little orange kitten!
glad you're stocked up on wood for the winter!
Great Fall photos. Happy Thursday!
loooove the photo of the bright crimson leaves in the cyan pool!
julie at butterscotch farm
You "click, snap, take" the best photos . . .
Love the . . .
Trees, leaves looking skyward . . .
The "boy twin" INTENT . . .
The yellow of the cat, paw slid forward,
with some orange . . .
luv the falling leaves picture. so cool. this time of the year is just great. (:
Cute post, and I am so happy to see another youngster reading! I am blog hopping & following you from Katherine's Corner &Growing Old With Grace
Enjoyed this post...nice photos!
Amazing shots of the leaves falling! Love them!
Such beautiful fall colors. Visiting from This or That Thursday. Feel free to join in on our weekly photo challenge any time. We always have so many wonderful entries.
Andrea these are beautiful photo's. I love the one of your son reading...I can see why you're pleased. I love the top photo with the one leaf falling from the trees and also the leaves in the water...Just beautiful. Your little turkey/pumpkin is a real sweetie...I have one too only he's not orange ;)
Maura :)
My two faves are~
The male twin
But, you knew that, right?
xo, misha
Yes, a great past time. I need more time to do just this.
Love the last shot!
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