The mercury has been rising steadily the last few days, and we've been receiving
predictions of reaching 20C by Thursday. Stored sap will spoil at temperatures in that
range, so the rush is on to get what little we've been able to collect this year and turn it into syrup.
It was a beautiful weekend and there is much news regarding chickens and bees in these parts,
but for today, how about a tour of our 'sugar shack'?
~Be well friends~

Extremely interesting. Have never seen that before. This is molasses country and that is an interesting process to observe. We still have a huge tray as large as a truck in the barn for processing the sugar cane juice.
What is the trick for downloading a video quickly? I have trouble with that.
I am amazed at all you accomplish at Rural Revival . . . First Sugar Shack I have seen . . . once again . . . AMAZING!
So interested in this.. love the video tour and explanations. Well done! :) Thanks for sharing - definitely on the 'to do' list .. someday! I also enjoyed catching up here. You have been one busy Rural Girl, Andrea! ;) Looking forward to a bee update soon! -Tammy
We've had some warm weather too here in Southwest Wisconsin. We were able to get a good run in mid-February and now again this past week. It doesn't look too promising for the next few weeks here tho, it might be just all we're going to get...We'll see, tho we will be getting close to the same total of syrup as we did last year.
I love your sugar shack, we're still boiling out in the elements but hope that next year we'll have a roof over our evaporator.
Very cool! I love seeing a bit of the process via video! Not really what I had imagined. Hope your "crop" of syrup is good this year.
We had warmish weather a couple of times this past week and I have been bitten by the spring bug... cleaning, painting and gardening... yeah!
I've never seen one of those evaporator thingies before. I can't believe it's that time again already. How do you know when the water's all boiled off?
Very interesting and a project of love indeed!
We tapped trees and held a sugaring off party with Not Far From the Tree ( last year and the year before and the weather really can make it a challenge! We decided not to run the program this year and I miss it!
That was so fun to watch and learn what worked for you. I am sure the maple syrup will be so wonderful to eat! I look forward to being able to do this one day. Thank you for sharing! Have a blessed week! :) xo Heather
I have been waiting for this! Thank you :) I still think you should do a giveaway with a bottle of this scrumptious syrup!
xo, misha
Woohoo love the song and your version of 'Sugar Shack'!
I loved this. When I was five I drove a nail in our big old Sugar Maple tree in the backyard and hung a coffee can under it for hopin' to get some 'real' Maple syrup.
Enjoyed that video girl.
God bless ya and have a sunshiny kinda day!!! :o)
I really love the whole idea of making maple syrup...what a great family project. After going to visit a local sugar house, how can I buy the imitation syrup any more? Real is sooo good. Lucky you! -Mary
We've been keeping the outdoor fire burning through the night for the initial processing of the sap and then I bring it inside to finish to syrup. Our set up leaves a lot for improvement--I really like yours!
Wow, that's pretty cool. I've never seen that process before. Color me SUPER impressed!! :D
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