
Thursday, July 18, 2013

Evenings in the Garden

After weeks and weeks of plentiful rain, a bomb of heat and sunshine this past week has pushed our gardens into over drive. Of course, it has kicked the weeds into full throttle as well so we've been spending our evenings weeding and tending and oohing and aahing and poking and prodding and harvesting. Oh yum! Then when we're soaked in sweat and plum worn out from all this heat (which takes about five minutes) and  feel we've accomplished enough for one night, we head over to our neighbours to pool sit. It's a terrible job looking after someones swimming pool but we're cool neighbours like that.


Sharing with:
Favourite Things 


Lynne said...

Makes for a perfect ending to the hot and steamy. Enjoy the splashes!

Kim Cunningham said...

Gorgeous! My favorite is the Queen Anne's lace in bloom! That is so lovely with details.

Anke said...

I always love your photographs!

TexWisGirl said...

lol! nice!

Buttons Thoughts said...

WOW lookin' good lots of hot work there it shows. Gotta love the neighbours leaving you to watch the pool. Enjoy another hot few days coming up. Take care hug. B

tiarastantrums said...

yeah for sun! Finally my tomatoes need it!! Your garden looks great

Katherines Corner said...

thank you so much for sharing this lovely walk through the garden at the Thursday Favorite Things hop. I featured it on facebook! xo

Katherines Corner said...

oops posted above comment under wrong log in xo

Jessica said...

Sounds delightful! Those blueberries look delicious. :)

Unknown said...

Beautiful captures from farm life!

Joan said...

Lovely photos!

Evelyn S. said...

I think you've captured the heat in your photos! Love the curlicue vine....and is that wild carrot? Lovely!

Linnea said...

Beautiful photos!!
Linneas Atelje Photography

Candy C. said...

Your garden is beautiful and how sweet of the neighbors to let you 'watch' their pool while they are away! Our neighbors just ask us to feed their horses, and goat, and lamb, and dogs, and cat...

Saun said...

Beautiful ! those weeds I'm having the same issue great shots.

Michelle said...

Being a pool sitter must be even more exhausting than taking care of the garden ;)

betty-NZ said...

All your hard work is paying off, I'm so happy for you! And to HAVE to pool sit is just awful!!

Jocelyn said...

Same thing here. Your garden looks great. If you ever want to pool sit here, you're welcome to it. Usually, I just jump in, clothes and all, when I'm done for the day.

Nicki said...

Fantastic summer evening photos and you are indeed cool beans to do that for your neighbors. Good help is so hard to find these days! (wink wink)

Anonymous said...

LOVE that Queen Anne's Lace and the soft bokeh in the background... Thank you for joining in 'Rurality Blog Hop #23' Hope to see you next Wednesday for #24...

Mona's Picturesque said...

Always a pleasure visiting ♥ Your photos make my heart sing :) I love the first capture especially! Thank you again!

Mona's Picturesque said...

Always a pleasure visiting ♥ Your photos make my heart sing :) I love the first capture especially! Thank you again!

Home Instructed Students said...

You take beautiful photographs. Thanks for sharing on the HomeAcre Hop. Please come back and join us again this week:…homeacre-hop-9/